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Derbyshire’s Integrated Care Systems Explained

Published on
July 8, 2022
Derbyshire’s Integrated Care Systems Explained

Derbyshire’s Integrated Care System explained

As of 1 July 2022 Integrated Care Systems (ICSs) were granted legal status as a statutory body. Working together more closely than ever before, the ambition is to provide the best health and care services for people, and make them as efficient and effective as possible.

What are ICSs?

ICSs bring together NHS bodies, local authorities (councils) and voluntary sector organisations to deliver better care for the whole community. In England there are 42 ICSs with Derbyshire’s being known as Joined Up Care Derbyshire (JUCD). Whilst JUCD has been an approved ICS since January 2021, this was an informal partnership of local health and care service providers and commissioners. Changes to the Health and Care Bill 2022 have now launched JUCD as a statutory body, with legal responsibilities around health and care improvement. Watch the animation below from The Kings Fund to learn more.

Who makes up JUCD?

JUCD is made up of partners within Derbyshire of local health and social care organisations. All partnership organisations work in an integrated way to improve care for local people. Partners meet formally as the Derby and Derbyshire Integrated Care Partnership (ICP).  Members of the ICP include:

To read more on Derbyshire’s ICP click here.

What are the ICSs aims?

The aims of the ICS are to work and plan more closely to provide the best care and services for people in Derbyshire, focusing on:

  • keeping people healthy;
  • giving people the best quality care;
  • running services well and making the most of available budgets; and
  • supporting broader social and economic development.

To read about the priorities in more detail click here.

How can you get involved with your ICS?

The introduction of Derbyshire’s ICS gives a unique chance to feed people’s views into the planning and running of services – especially the voices of those who are not being heard now.

Here at Healthwatch Derbyshire we work hard to make sure the views of local people are represented in changes to the NHS structure. We are committed to playing our part by championing equality and inclusion, and helping services reach every bit of the community. Whilst the ICS has in Derbyshire has been established for some time, the move to integrated care systems heralds a culture shift in the engagement of people and communities, towards meaningful and proactive listening at all levels of decision-making.

When services listen and act on the experiences of patients and service users, it results in better care. Here at Healthwatch Derbyshire we’re committed to working in partnership with the ICS and we have further opportunities to create a true partnership between services and local people in Derbyshire.

If you’ve recently visited your GP, or local hospital, or used any health and care services in Derbyshire we want to hear from you. Whether you’ve had a good or bad experience, we can use your feedback to improve services for everyone and we have the power to make NHS leaders and other care providers listen to what you have to say.

We’re completely independent and impartial and anything you say is confidential. We also offer information and advice to help you to get the support you need. Our service is free, simple to use and can make a real difference to people in Derbyshire and beyond. Get in touch with us to share your stories.

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