News & Reports

Here you’ll find latest news about Healthwatch Derbyshire, as well as other health and social care information.

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Denise holding up an award certificate. health watch derbyshire reports stacked in a blue background
Monday 3 June to Sunday 9 June marks Volunteers Week. To mark the occasion we hear from Denise, one of our volunteers, who's been supporting the work we do for nearly 10 years!
"We urge everyone to take part in the consultation and have their say. This is your opportunity to send a clear message about the rights you hold most dear." - Louise Ansari, CEO, Healthwatch Englandhealth watch derbyshire reports stacked in a blue background
The Government has launched a consultation on the NHS Constitution, which sets out your rights as an NHS patient. Read why it's important to have your say.
health watch derbyshire reports stacked in a blue background
Derbyshire County Council are wanting to learn more about your views on NHS Health Checks, for people aged 40-75.
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How to access your GP practice teamHow to access your GP practice team
Our GP access guide will help you know how to get help from your GP practice team, and learn about the different health professionals at GP practices. It also explains how to book your appointments and decide what service you can use to get the help you need to stay well.
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Views on Flu and COVID VaccinationsViews on Flu and COVID Vaccinations
Our flu and COVID report delves into the opinions and attitudes on the flu and COVID vaccinations in the Marlpool, Langley Mill, and Somercotes areas of Amber Valley.
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The Views of Parents and Guardians on Baby and Toddler Flu VaccinationsThe Views of Parents and Guardians on Baby and Toddler Flu Vaccinations
We spoke with over 300 parents and guardians about flu vaccinations for their babies and toddlers. We found that most were positive about vaccinating their children. The research, done with Public Health at Derbyshire County Council, will help improve the winter flu vaccination campaign by addressing concerns about information, safety, and access.
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