News & Reports

Here you’ll find latest news about Healthwatch Derbyshire, as well as other health and social care information.

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Sign advertising NHS dentist on a street. health watch derbyshire reports stacked in a blue background
Many of you have told us that you're struggling to find an NHS dentist in Derbyshire. We continue to take a look at the situation to help decision makers know where services are lacking.
Two women talking. One is holding a clipboard wearing a healthwatch lanyard, the other a medical uniform with a face mask on. health watch derbyshire reports stacked in a blue background
Throughout Summer 2022 we ran a survey to hear from patients, carers, and the wider public, offering an opportunity to share their views and recent experiences of accessing their GP. Feedback from the survey will help local health providers to understand how the ways in which appointments are accessed effects patients.
Dental light. health watch derbyshire reports stacked in a blue background
Many of you have told us you are finding it difficult to find an NHS dentist for yourself and your loved ones. We took the opportunity to look into the current situation in Derbyshire.
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Home Care Services – Service User Experience ReportHome Care Services – Service User Experience Report
We recognised that we had not received much feedback regarding domiciliary care services. This concerned us as the users of such services often live alone and are isolated. We took the opportunity to look into the issue in more detail.
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Carers Discussion Paper & Summary of ActionsCarers Discussion Paper & Summary of Actions
Carers Discussion Paper Carers Discussion Paper Summary of Actions
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